, 8 min read

Simplified Saaze Monitored with PHPSPY

This blog uses the PHP-based Simplified Saaze software. I measured Simplified Saaze using XHProf:

  1. Profiling PHP Programs
  2. Profiling PHP Programs #2

Still I am interested whether I missed anything.

In multiple talks Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, advertises PHPSPY.

PHPSPY was written by Adam Saponara. The source code is in GitHub: https://github.com/adsr/phpspy.

I ran PHPSPY in top mode for some days using the dynamic mode of Simplified Saaze: phpspy -p 940 -p 17132 -p 61898 -p 61899 -t. The output is below. Some remarks on inclusive and exclusive times or counts:

  1. Inclusive counts everything for the function and all its function it calls.
  2. Exclusive only counts a particular function.
phpspy -p 940 -p 17132 -p 61898 -p 61899 -@
samp_count=666  err_count=10  func_count=67

tincl      texcl      incl       excl       excl%   func
313        151        0          0          0.00    ComposerAutoloaderInit50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1::getLoader /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:19
132        103        0          0          0.00    composerRequire50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1 /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:50
99         99         0          0          0.00    Composer\Autoload\includeFile /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:569
76         76         0          0          0.00    json_decode <internal>:-1
298        34         0          0          0.00    Saaze\Saaze::run /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Saaze.php:32
30         30         0          0          0.00    ComposerAutoloaderInit50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1::loadClassLoader /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:9
23         23         0          0          0.00    FFI::cdef <internal>:-1
19         19         0          0          0.00    file_get_contents <internal>:-1
15         15         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php:1
13         13         0          0          0.00    md4c_toHtml <internal>:-1
14         11         0          0          0.00    str_word_count <internal>:-1
10         10         0          0          0.00    yaml_parse <internal>:-1
322        9          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/autoload.php:1
90         9          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/blog/entry.php:1
8          8          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme/bootstrap.php:1
5          5          0          0          0.00    FFI::string <internal>:-1
653        4          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/public/index.php:1
5          4          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/error.php:1
5          3          0          0          0.00    microtime <internal>:-1
4          3          0          0          0.00    strpos <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-ctype/bootstrap.php:1
3          3          0          0          0.00    shell_exec <internal>:-1
27         2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\CollectionArray::loadCollections /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/CollectionArray.php:27
21         2          0          0          0.00    <main> <internal>:-1
10         2          0          0          0.00    is_dir <internal>:-1
9          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::__construct /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:15
9          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::renderError /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/TemplateManager.php:62
4          2          0          0          0.00    scandir <internal>:-1
3          2          0          0          0.00    strlen <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/top-layout.php:1
2          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::inlineMath /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:172
2          2          0          0          0.00    strip_tags <internal>:-1
23         1          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::toHtml /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:562
9          1          0          0          0.00    substr <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    substr_replace <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    usort <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    printf <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php:1
1          1          0          0          0.00    ob_end_clean <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    str_replace <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    file_put_contents <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    max <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    is_readable <internal>:-1
111        0          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::loadMkdwnRecursive /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:70
91         0          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::renderEntry /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/TemplateManager.php:37

Interestingly, the time spent by Composer-classes is greater than the actual runtime of Simplified Saaze!

Added 11-Dec-2023: Measured once again. Results are below.

phpspy -p 879 -p 1015 -p 1016 -p 20333 -@
samp_count=2422  err_count=55  func_count=97

tincl      texcl      incl       excl       excl%   func
1077       491        0          0          0.00    ComposerAutoloaderInit50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1::getLoader /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:19
506        369        0          0          0.00    composerRequire50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1 /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:50
353        353        0          0          0.00    json_decode <internal>:-1
335        335        0          0          0.00    Composer\Autoload\includeFile /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:569
81         81         0          0          0.00    md4c_toHtml <internal>:-1
76         76         0          0          0.00    ComposerAutoloaderInit50920a90746408ba7a500bacdb4908c1::loadClassLoader /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:9
75         75         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php:1
459        69         0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/blog/entry.php:1
67         67         0          0          0.00    FFI::cdef <internal>:-1
58         58         0          0          0.00    file_get_contents <internal>:-1
48         35         0          0          0.00    str_word_count <internal>:-1
1162       29         0          0          0.00    Saaze\Saaze::run /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Saaze.php:32
28         28         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme/bootstrap.php:1
26         26         0          0          0.00    yaml_parse <internal>:-1
1096       23         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/autoload.php:1
22         20         0          0          0.00    scandir <internal>:-1
21         20         0          0          0.00    strpos <internal>:-1
491        19         0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::renderEntry /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/TemplateManager.php:37
21         16         0          0          0.00    microtime <internal>:-1
16         16         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-ctype/bootstrap.php:1
32         15         0          0          0.00    substr <internal>:-1
74         14         0          0          0.00    <main> <internal>:-1
2384       12         0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/public/index.php:1
15         12         0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::inlineMath /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:172
12         12         0          0          0.00    strip_tags <internal>:-1
20         11         0          0          0.00    is_dir <internal>:-1
12         10         0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/top-layout.php:1
7          7          0          0          0.00    str_replace <internal>:-1
260        6          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::loadEntry /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:82
159        6          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::toHtml /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:562
8          6          0          0          0.00    FFI::string <internal>:-1
6          6          0          0          0.00    shell_exec <internal>:-1
233        5          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Entry::getContentAndExcerpt /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Entry.php:86
6          5          0          0          0.00    <main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php:1
5          5          0          0          0.00    function_exists <internal>:-1
71         4          0          0          0.00    Saaze\CollectionArray::loadCollections /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/CollectionArray.php:27
50         4          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Entry::parseEntry /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Entry.php:21
6          4          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/templates/error.php:1
6          4          0          0          0.00    is_readable <internal>:-1
21         3          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::__construct /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:15
5          3          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> <internal>:-1
4          3          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::myTag /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:212
3          3          0          0          0.00    substr_replace <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    max <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::displayMath /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:145
3          3          0          0          0.00    dirname <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    getenv <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    rtrim <internal>:-1
549        2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::loadMkdwnRecursive /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:70
72         2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Config::init /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Config.php:14
20         2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::parseCollection /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:22
16         2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::gallery /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:397
5          2          0          0          0.00    date <internal>:-1
3          2          0          0          0.00    strlen <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    ltrim <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Collection::Saaze\{closure} /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Collection.php:54
2          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::templateExists /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/TemplateManager.php:7
2          2          0          0          0.00    Saaze\MarkdownContentParser::twitter /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/MarkdownContentParser.php:333
2          2          0          0          0.00    fopen <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::register /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:389
2          2          0          0          0.00    strtotime <internal>:-1
192        1          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Entry::__construct /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Entry.php:13
10         1          0          0          0.00    Saaze\Entry::getUrl /home/klm/php/sndsaaze/vendor/eklausme/saaze/Entry.php:74
4          1          0          0          0.00    ob_end_clean <internal>:-1

Results are similar. Clearly even more accentuating the importance of Composer.

Added 08-Feb-2024: I had some trouble getting PHPSPY to work again, see phpspy no longer works #136. I ran PHPSPY again but this time I dropped composer, which was marked as dominant in above PHPSPY sessions. Results for three days are as below.

phpspy -H 9999 --pgrep=php-fpm -@
samp_count=2651  err_count=575856  func_count=58

tincl      texcl      incl       excl       excl%   func
1047       850        0          0          0.00    FFI::string <internal>:-1
230        207        0          0          0.00    substr <internal>:-1
209        206        0          0          0.00    str_replace <internal>:-1
212        194        0          0          0.00    <main> <internal>:-1
269        193        0          0          0.00    max <internal>:-1
200        185        0          0          0.00    strpos <internal>:-1
147        147        0          0          0.00    ctype_space <internal>:-1
102        99         0          0          0.00    printf <internal>:-1
82         82         0          0          0.00    rtrim <internal>:-1
68         68         0          0          0.00    json_decode <internal>:-1
123        43         0          0          0.00    date <internal>:-1
42         41         0          0          0.00    strlen <internal>:-1
30         30         0          0          0.00    strip_tags <internal>:-1
28         28         0          0          0.00    md4c_toHtml <internal>:-1
47         23         0          0          0.00    str_word_count <internal>:-1
21         21         0          0          0.00    preg_match <internal>:-1
18         18         0          0          0.00    str_contains <internal>:-1
17         16         0          0          0.00    implode <internal>:-1
20         15         0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> <internal>:-1
15         15         0          0          0.00    strrpos <internal>:-1
14         14         0          0          0.00    is_dir <internal>:-1
13         13         0          0          0.00    define <internal>:-1
58         12         0          0          0.00    microtime <internal>:-1
12         12         0          0          0.00    getenv <internal>:-1
11         11         0          0          0.00    sprintf <internal>:-1
11         11         0          0          0.00    substr_replace <internal>:-1
11         10         0          0          0.00    FFI::cdef <internal>:-1
9          9          0          0          0.00    str_split <internal>:-1
8          8          0          0          0.00    function_exists <internal>:-1
14         7          0          0          0.00    urlencode <internal>:-1
7          7          0          0          0.00    DateTime::__construct <internal>:-1
6          6          0          0          0.00    yaml_parse <internal>:-1
13         5          0          0          0.00    is_array <internal>:-1
5          5          0          0          0.00    ltrim <internal>:-1
4          3          0          0          0.00    explode <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    is_readable <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    preg_replace <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    extension_loaded <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    str_starts_with <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    spl_autoload_register <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    trim <internal>:-1
3          2          0          0          0.00    count <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    is_string <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    is_bool <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    round <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    error_reporting <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    print_r <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    header <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    mb_strtolower <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    array_key_exists <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    spl_autoload_unregister <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    gettype <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    mb_substr <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    ucwords <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    openssl_cipher_iv_length <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    file_exists <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    defined <internal>:-1
1          0          0          0          0.00    is_object <internal>:-1

At a later time:

phpspy -H 9999 --pgrep=php-fpm -@
samp_count=5475  err_count=1004659  func_count=64

tincl      texcl      incl       excl       excl%   func
2301       1842       0          0          0.00    FFI::string <internal>:-1
462        458        0          0          0.00    str_replace <internal>:-1
491        447        0          0          0.00    substr <internal>:-1
467        431        0          0          0.00    strpos <internal>:-1
556        414        0          0          0.00    max <internal>:-1
353        310        0          0          0.00    <main> <internal>:-1
299        299        0          0          0.00    ctype_space <internal>:-1
207        203        0          0          0.00    printf <internal>:-1
145        142        0          0          0.00    rtrim <internal>:-1
122        122        0          0          0.00    json_decode <internal>:-1
88         85         0          0          0.00    strlen <internal>:-1
196        57         0          0          0.00    date <internal>:-1
56         56         0          0          0.00    md4c_toHtml <internal>:-1
55         55         0          0          0.00    strip_tags <internal>:-1
88         47         0          0          0.00    str_word_count <internal>:-1
46         46         0          0          0.00    preg_match <internal>:-1
44         44         0          0          0.00    str_contains <internal>:-1
118        39         0          0          0.00    microtime <internal>:-1
30         30         0          0          0.00    strrpos <internal>:-1
29         29         0          0          0.00    is_dir <internal>:-1
25         25         0          0          0.00    substr_replace <internal>:-1
27         24         0          0          0.00    implode <internal>:-1
29         20         0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> <internal>:-1
19         19         0          0          0.00    sprintf <internal>:-1
19         19         0          0          0.00    getenv <internal>:-1
27         16         0          0          0.00    urlencode <internal>:-1
16         16         0          0          0.00    str_split <internal>:-1
18         14         0          0          0.00    FFI::cdef <internal>:-1
14         14         0          0          0.00    define <internal>:-1
31         13         0          0          0.00    is_array <internal>:-1
13         13         0          0          0.00    ltrim <internal>:-1

Eliminating composer indeed cut away all composer related CPU usage. It looks that above run cannot be fully compared to the two previous runs. This time FFI::string became dominant, which was not dominant in previous runs. No PHP source code from Simplified Saaze is visible except Saaze\TemplateManager::<main>. Instead string-processing, like substr(), str_replace(), and strpos() seem to be important.

I am still hesitant how much I can trust above run as the err_count is so alarmingly high.

Added 12-May-2024: Another measurement with phpspy, this time with MD4C used as an extension, i.e., no FFI. Watch out for the very high error count. It is remarkable that the max() function is so dominant.

phpspy -H 9999 --pgrep=php-fpm -@
samp_count=1004  err_count=216898  func_count=39

tincl      texcl      incl       excl       excl%   func
277        200        0          0          0.00    max <internal>:-1
176        176        0          0          0.00    json_decode <internal>:-1
121        121        0          0          0.00    <main> <internal>:-1
106        106        0          0          0.00    printf <internal>:-1
75         75         0          0          0.00    ctype_space <internal>:-1
44         43         0          0          0.00    md4c_toHtml <internal>:-1
45         40         0          0          0.00    strpos <internal>:-1
41         39         0          0          0.00    substr <internal>:-1
29         29         0          0          0.00    strip_tags <internal>:-1
26         21         0          0          0.00    rtrim <internal>:-1
196        20         0          0          0.00    date <internal>:-1
14         14         0          0          0.00    ltrim <internal>:-1
13         13         0          0          0.00    yaml_parse <internal>:-1
11         11         0          0          0.00    implode <internal>:-1
23         10         0          0          0.00    urlencode <internal>:-1
10         10         0          0          0.00    str_replace <internal>:-1
10         10         0          0          0.00    substr_replace <internal>:-1
13         9          0          0          0.00    Saaze\TemplateManager::<main> <internal>:-1
9          9          0          0          0.00    trim <internal>:-1
7          7          0          0          0.00    is_dir <internal>:-1
43         4          0          0          0.00    microtime <internal>:-1
8          4          0          0          0.00    define <internal>:-1
4          4          0          0          0.00    preg_match <internal>:-1
4          4          0          0          0.00    strlen <internal>:-1
5          3          0          0          0.00    str_word_count <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    getenv <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    spl_autoload_register <internal>:-1
3          3          0          0          0.00    function_exists <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    array_key_exists <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    str_starts_with <internal>:-1
2          2          0          0          0.00    file_exists <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    file_get_contents <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    extension_loaded <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    is_readable <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    base64_encode <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    DateTime::__construct <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    sprintf <internal>:-1
1          1          0          0          0.00    html_entity_decode <internal>:-1
6          0          0          0          0.00    basename <internal>:-1