, 5 min read
This describes my equipment I use at home for private use. Professionally I am "forced" to use Windows. This page is part of /uses, a website where people share what gear they use. It was created by Wes Bos.
- 1. Editor
- 2. Terminal + shell
- 3. OS and Window manager
- 4. Desktop
- 5. Compilers, interpreters and languages
- 6. Smartphone (=camera)
- 7. Tablet
- 8. Smartwatch
- 9. Internet service provider
- 10. PC hardware
- 11. Blogging software
- 12. Hosting for backup and to protect against DNS vandalism
- 13. Dynamic DNS
1. Editor
- vim 9.1.1198-1
neovim 0.10.4-2 - mle 1.7.2-1
- geany 2.0-1, if I have to edit very many files all at once
- Notepad++ 8.5.7, if on Windows
- Beyond Compare
2. Terminal + shell
- st 0.9.2-1 + zsh 5.9-5
- tmux 0.9.2-1 within st
- xterm 397-2, sometimes, if st is not available
- PuTTY and MobaXterm, if on Windows
- git-bash, if on Windows
- termux on Android
- ssh+sshd from openssh 9.9p2-1, and mosh 1.4.0-20 if on a train
3. OS and Window manager
- Arch Linux 6.13.7.arch1-1 using pacman 7.0.0.r6.gc685ae6-2 + trizen 1:1.68-1
- IceWM 3.7.2-1, no buttons or icons on screen, starts just blank
- iptables 1:1.8.10-2 + ipset 7.23-1 + ssshguard 1.0.0-1
4. Desktop
- Firefox 136.0.2-1
- Chromium 134.0.6998.88-1
- J-Pilot 2.0.2-1
- LibreOffice 25.2.1-3 occasionally
- mplayer 38542-4 for videos
- sxiv 26-2 for image display
- Imagemagick for image modifications
- signal-desktop 7.46.1-1
- ffmpeg 2:7.1-7
5. Compilers, interpreters and languages
- gcc 14.2.1+r753+g1cd744a6828f-1
- luajit 2.1.1736781742-1
- cobc 3.2.1-4
- PHP 8.4.5-1
- Perl 5.40.1-2
- node 23.9.0-1
6. Smartphone (=camera)
- Xiaomi 14T Pro running Android 12, kernel 6.1.78-android14-11-gb6577b760481-ab12075023 since November 2024
- Oppo Reno 4 running Android 12, kernel 4.19.157-perf+ since May 2022
- Termux
- Brave Browser, advertisements on a small screen are really annoying, therefore Brave
- Simplenote for occasional note taking, synchronized accross devices
- Shelly App
- Signal Messenger
- sipgate Satellite
- Proton Mail
7. Tablet
- Samsung Galaxy Tab A7, Android 12, kernel 4.19.157-perf-26272441 since 2020
- Xiaomi Tab 6, MIUI version 14, Android 13, kernel 4.19.157-perf-gdc1f969ca720 since 2023
8. Smartwatch
- Oppo Band Sport since July 2022 up to April 2024; lost it
9. Internet service provider and monitoring
- Vodafone cable: 1 GBit/s download, 50MBit/s upload
- HetrixTools: a very good uptime monitor
- BetterStack: another uptime monitor
10. PC hardware
- AMD Ryzen 7 5700G since May 2022
- 2x32GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo DDR4-3600 DIMM CL16 Dual Kit
- Motherboard ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4
- 2TB Samsung PCIe SSD ("harddisk")
- 32" LG Electronics 32UN550-W display monitor, provides ample of screen space
- Loudspeaker Wavemaster Moody BT 2.1
11. Blogging software
- Static site generator Simplified Saaze (Version 2.5, 02-Dec-2024)
- Web-server is NGINX 1.27.4-1
- MathJax for math typesetting
- PrismJS for syntax highlighting
- Fonts Merriweather and UnifrakturMaguntia from Google Fonts
- Icons are from uxwing and Wikimedia
- Mermaid for diagrams
- pagefind 1.3.0 for providing search functionality on this blog
- Ahrefs for site auditing, e.g., finding 404 pages, broken links, etc.
- lftp 4.9.3-1, if I have to use FTP and transfer multiple directories with files in them
12. Hosting for backup and to protect against DNS vandalism
- Cloudflare, site is here
- Netlify, site is here
- Vercel, site is here
- surge.sh, site here
- neocities.org, site is here
- Lima-City, copied via lftp
- GitLab, site is here
- GitHub, site without images is here
- DigitalOcean, site without images is here
13. Dynamic DNS
DNS take-down is a common problem, see DNS take-down. Therefore I use multiple dynamic DNS providers. The motto: "Don't put all your eggs in a single basket."
- GoIP DNS Services: main dynamic DNS service, domain name is eklausmeier.goip.de
- "Afraid.org" Free DNS by Joshua Andersen: another backup dynamic DNS service, domain names are klm.us.to and klm.l5.ca and klm.ix.tc
- Dynu DNS: another backup dynamic DNS service, domain name is eklausmeier.mywire.org